Monday, March 31, 2014

Field Activity #8: Microclimate


This activity directly corresponds with the previous one which was setting up the geodatabase that would be used to take microclimate data. In the previous lab we pre-planned our actions for the microclimate collection. There were several factors that we all had to create for the purpose of normalized collection. The list below shows the areas of recorded values. Groups of two were then deployed for the collection of the values. My partner was Carolyn McLeish and our region of campus was around the lower campus residence halls. This can be seen in image 1 below. Other groups took data on upper campus and around the river. The goal of the data collection is to identify microclimates on our campus. Through the analysis of these microclimates it appears that climates can be very different over very small distances.

Recorded Values:
-Dew Point
-Relative Humidity
-Wind speed & direction
-Snow Depth
-Other groups had additional

Image 1: The above image shows the points that were collected in the field using the Juno 3D device. The Juno allows the user to use ArcPad to update  tables into points on a map syncing it with GPS coordinates.


Several methods were used for collecting the microclimate data. The entire process was completed by walking through a specific section of the campus and taking readings. A ruler was used to measure snow depth while a Kestrel meter was used to find all of the other values. All of the values that were collected appear above under the recorded values section.

Deployment of Data:

In order to deploy the data into the Juno 3D device, the ArcPad Data Manager extension must be turned on. This allows for the adding and editing of data from the Juno to the ArcMap software. The Juno device must be plugged into the desktop in order to complete the next portion of the activity. The geodatabase that contains all of the data must be opened in order to to transfer it and its feature classes to the device. The ArcPad Data Manager then runs the user through the Wizard process which essentially creates the storage within the device. Once the wizard is finished the deployment folder will be created. We made a copy of that folder to ensure integrity if the data gets messed up in the field.
Image 2: The picture here shows the Juno 3D device. It is created by Trimble, who makes many of the most advanced handheld GPS units. The one that we used was very user friendly and had a touch screen.

Collection of Data:

To begin collecting data the Juno devices ArcPad software must be activated. Once ArcPad is running add the image and geodatabase that was uploaded to the device. Once these are added editing can ensue by adding points to the map.The data is then collected with the device in the image above. The Juno device simply collects satellites then all that the user has to do is click on the map in order to tie the point. Once the point is tied the values pop up in the table which allows for the input of values in to each section. As each point is added to the map they show up on the actual graphic.

Downloading Data:

After all of the data was collected it needed to be imported back to Arc. This process is done by connecting the Juno device to the desktop computer via the transfer cable. The ArcPad manager tab should be opened once ArcMap is open. Once the data is transferred as the .mxd file it should appear into the viewer as an editable map.


The maps below show the results from the collection of data as a class. Each map shows a different type of data that was collected and symbolized to show variation across the map.
Image 3: The above image shows the dew point values across campus. The highest dew point temperatures were located near the river front across from campus.
Image 4: This image shows the humidity of the air by percentage for each location. The highest humidities were near the new Davies center according to the map above.

Image 5: The map above shows the snow depth in inches on our campus. The greatest depth of snow on the campus was along the river across from campus.

Image 6: The above image shows the temperature gradient across campus. The blue represents cooler temperatures while red and yellow represents warmer temperatures. Once again, the temperatures were higher on the Haas side of campus.

Image 7: The image above was by far the hardest to create. It took me a long time to figure out how to get the arrows to point in the azimuth direction, but it ended up working. In the symbology tab there is an advanced button which allows the user to rotate points via different categories.


This activity was very difficult to accomplish due to the extreme temperature and high winds. In order to get all of the data we often had to have our hands out of our gloves to switch from option to option on the Kestral unit. The area of the campus mall that my group completed was contained within several buildings and the hill that leads to upper campus, so the wind readings that we got varied quite a bit in direction due to a swirling affect caused by the confined space. The most frustrating portion of this lab occurred with handling the Juno GPS device though because at the beginning of the exercise it wasn't getting any satellites, so we did our best to eyeball the points until Professor Hupy came out to help us. There was a technical connection issue within the device where the satellites were turned off. After the device was acquiring satellites the rest of the project ran very smoothly.


This activity was aggravating at times, but when all was said and done the ending products were phenomenal. The maps that were made did a great job of symbolizing each of the different categories that were collected. The ability to learn how to use the Juno device was also invaluable because it is such a robust tool that allows for GPS interaction and .mxd creation from the handheld device. The Juno device will be used again in this course and is a great tool to understand in general.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Field Activity #7: Copters, Kites and Rockets

Field Report:

The conditions for this day were nearly perfect for. The sun was out with clouds high in the upper atmosphere. The winds were around 10 MPH which is great for kite flying. The temperature was also prime since it was almost 50ยบ F.

On Monday, March 10th our field methods class took a trip to the EC outdoor sports center to launch some of the equipment that can be used to take aerial images. Professor Joe Hupy provided us with two multi-armed copters (one paid for with his own money and one made by a student in the Physics department named Max), a large kite, and a rocket. Max was a very capable pilot and explained, in very basic terms, how the copters worked.

Blake Johnson and Tanner Borgen were the kite experts for the second half of the trip. Blake put the kite together and got it into the sky. Professor Hupy then added a hanging camera with a gimble device to the string and let the kite fly higher in order to get good aerial images.

The final portion of the afternoon consisted of putting the rocket together and launching it. The rocket experiment didn't quite turn out the way that we had planned since one of the engines were placed in upside down. Along with that the top of the rocket is supposed to deploy a parachute. Two cameras were placed on the rocket, but our footage probably wasn't great because the rocket came crashing back to the earth.
Image 1: The image above shows Professor Hupy's Y6 multi-armed copter. The controller for the remote control portion of the copter can be seen just to the right of the copter. 
Image 2: This image shows the copter with a closer view. Several important pieces to this device are present in this image. The cameras that are attached are used for aerial image capturing.

Image 3: The image shows the cameras up close. There is one camera that faces "forward" while the other on the gimble always faces toward the ground.

Image 4: This image shows the copter in flight.
Image 5: The image above shows the controller for the copters.

Image 6: This is Max's copter which has several more arms than Professor Hupy's.

Image 7: This image shows Max preparing his copter for flight.

Image 8: This is Max's copter in action hovering just above the snow.

Image 9:  This is another image showing Max's copter and his computer brain.

Image 10: Drew Briski holding Max's multi-arm copter.

Image 11: This image is of Joe's kite. It is supported by two main bracing poles.

Image 12: Blake Johnson here is holding the kite in preparation for flight.

Image 13: Tanner Borgen and Blake Johnson are tying the cords to the kite.

Image 14: Here is the kite about 100 feet in the air.

Image 15: Here Professor Joe Hupy is putting a camera on the kite's string for aerial images.

Image 16: The camera here is about 30 feet in the sky.

Image 17: The image above shows the kite and camera around a couple hundred feet up.

Image 18: Here Professor Joe Hupy is preparing the rocket's engines.

Image 19: This image shows the rocket on the launch pad. 

Image 20: Here is Professor Hupy strapping the cameras onto the rocket.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Field Activity #6: Microclimate Geodatabase Construction for Deployment to ArcPad


The goal of this lab is learn how to create a geodatabase, its domains (rules), add a feature class and import a background image. It is important to know how to build a geodatabase and its surrounding features because it is one of the essential tools for data collection and manipulation. The use of GIS in the lab and out in the field is a big part of the future of Geography. The creation of a geodatabase and understanding of how to use it is incredibly important when working with GPS devices and especially the ArcPad device which will be described in detail below. Knowing how to pre-plan for a trip is also an invaluable tool for working in the field so as to allow for the best results in the field.

Part 1:

In order to begin this activity it is important to understand exactly what the project entails. In the case of this microclimate research it is important to understand exactly what that means. A microclimate can be described as that of a small or restricted area that may be different from the surrounding climate. This field activity aims at the creation of the database that will be utilized to map the microclimates of the Eau Claire campus. There could even be a difference from upper to lower campus when it comes to elevation and a small area of interest. Before any of this can be done there is some planning that must take place.

Pre-planning for any field operation is paramount for a successful data collection session. Pre-planning spans from checking the weather, to wearing the right clothes, to checking your gear, and more. Pre-planning is what harbors a great field experience versus one befuddled with errors. A large portion of pre-planning starts in the lab. Creating a working geodatabase for your data is paramount to lessening the amount of errors that may be present in your data. Pre-planning evolves from the database and moves into domains where basic rules  for the database are created. Finally, especially for this activity, creating a feature class with several attributes that will be mapped on the spot and aligning them with the domains created before will help to foster an easy data collection.

In order to collect this microclimate data the device known as ArcPad must be used. ArcPad is a type of GPS device that allows for the updating of fields within a geodatabase. The device ties GPS points to specific pieces of information that are added into the database. The link provided here goes to the ArcPad official website which contains data about how use and purchase a Trimble ArcPad device. Image 1 below shows the ArcPad device that will be used to create the microclimate maps.
Image 1: The above image shows the Juno 3D ArcPad device which is a common device for tracking data in the field. The device allows for the use and transfer of a geodatabase from ArcMap to and from ArcPad. It is important to create the geodatabase and its domains before importing the database into the ArcPad device.

Part 2:

Tasks for this lab exercise:
1. Construction of a Geodatabase
2. Development of Geodatabase domains
3. Development of domain ranges
4. Construction of a feature class for later deployment to ArcPad
5. Importation of a raster background data set

To begin this project a geodatabase must be created. A database is used to store data that is needed to produce a project/outcome. Databases can contain many different kinds of data, such as documents, tables, images, etc. A geodatabase contains data that has a spatial context and is used for the creation of maps that display a desired outcome. To learn more about geodatabases click here. The geodatabase is where all of the layers and shapefiles will be stored and worked on within. In order to ensure a properly working geodatabase, domains and subtypes must be created to monitor variables entered into the dataset.

A domain is a set of rules that are implemented within a geodatabase to ensure data integrity as values are added to the dataset. Domains are used to keep track of data and to not allow errors to occur. Domains allow the user to set fields up with specific units so that data that is input into the fields doesn't go beyond the allowed outputs. Image 2 below shows the domain page where domains are created and implemented. To learn more about domains and how they work then click here.
Image 2: The above image shows the page that allows the user to create domains. The initial steps of creating a domain involve giving it a name and description. After this is completed the domain properties tab allows the creation of the domain properties such as the field type and range. Some fields also require codes with descriptions as well.
Field Types allowed for Domains:
1. Short—Short integers
2. Long—Long integers
3. Float—Single-precision floating point numbers
4. Double—Double-precision floating point numbers
5. Text (Coded domains only)—Alphanumeric characters
6. Date—Date and time data

The domains that need to be created for the microclimate geodatabase include temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, dew point, snow depth, notes and time. All of these different variables need differing field types in order to work properly. For example, the notes field needs the field type of text so that words can be added to it. All of these variables needed to be inputted into the geodatabase in order to be able to properly add data to each field while in the field using the ArcPad.
Image 3: This image shows the creation of a feature class that will be used for the microclimate data. Each feature was added as an attribute into the feature class. When looking at the field properties section near the end of image there is a section called domain where a user can pick one of the domains that were created for the attribute.
After finding the domains for the geodatabase the user can decide which and how many feature classes need to be added to the database. The microclimate database really only requires one feature class with multiple attributes because when the database is added to the ArcPad device it is much easier to navigate from attribute to attribute rather than from feature class to feature class. Along with adding feature classes to the geodatabase it is important to add a background that would suit the data well. Professor Joe Hupy provided the class with a satellite image of Eau Claire via the Project drive. Image 4 below is of the satellite image that Professor Hupy provided for the microclimate map.
Image 4: The above satellite image was provided by Professor Joe Hupy through his project folder. The image shows the campus and surrounding city. The image is the area of interest that will examined for the microclimate project.
At this point in this tutorial the geodatabase is ready to enter the field for data collection. The geodatabase can be transferred to the ArcPad device. Refer to part 1 above about the ArcPad device in order to learn more about it and how it is utilized.


This field activity really helped to embolden the GIS aspect of field work. Knowing how to create a geodatabase is essential for any geographer in the 21st century. Knowing how to make a geodatabase with domains to ensure integrity is even better. This skill translates very well to field when using the ArcPad devices. Being able to import your own geodatabase into the device then add data to it is very powerful. I found this activity to be very helpful in many senses since it not only could help a surveyor, but also someone who is collecting data for research. GIS is a very powerful tool that will continue to grow, so any time that a student can learn more about it is time spent well.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Field Activity #5: Field Navigation Map & Distance/Bearing Navigation


Humans have been creating maps to find places where they would like to go for a very long time and today things have hardly changed. The format of map making and reading has developed drastically in recent years with the creation of computing software. With the help of computers map makers can create almost any representation of the earth's surface that is also very meaningful. Technologies have shifted from gazing upon the constellations to GPS units that are in your vehicle. Each of these methods can take you where you want to go, but only one of them is dependable when batteries run out. This field activity presents the class with the task of learning to use a compass and printed map to find their way across a field of way points. The goal of this activity is to create a map for the Priory in Eau Claire, WI utilizing two different map types: UTM coordinate system (meters) and a Geographic coordinate system (decimal degrees).


Parts of the compass
Image 1: The above image shows a compass with its many parts. The compass above is much like those that were utilized in the classroom. All of the parts are described more thoroughly in the sections below.

The compass has sever different parts, which can be seen in image 1 above. The direction of travel arrow comes in handy when the user is trying to line themselves up to face an object and travel in the direction of it. The bezel, or housing/compass dial as shown above, is the piece that is turned to show the direction that needs to be traveled in via degrees. A map shows where true north is on the image, but a compass shows where magnetic north is. An important note about magnetic north has to do with declination, which was covered thoroughly in the last blog. To read more on declination in my previous blog click here. The scale and measurement tool on the flat edge of the compass is used to measure distances and draw straight lines on maps to help with navigation.

Parts of the map
Image 2: This image shows a map that contains all of the basic structures that each map should contain. All of the map basics are outlines in detail below.
The most essential parts of a map that should be included are a legend, north arrow, title, author, source, and scale bar/words. All of these put together create the basis of a good map outline. When it comes to a good orienteering map, one with contour lines is generally a good idea to have since it can give the user the ability to see where the earth shifts around them.

The method that was taught to the class and that will be eventually utilized is that of navigating with a compass and map. This is a relatively simple endeavor that is not common knowledge to much of the world anymore. The first step is to hold the compass at chest height and keep it away from metallic objects (i.e. rings, necklaces). Next, move your body, with the compass, until the travel arrow is aligned with the direction that you would like to travel. Then the user would twist the bezel until the arrow lines align with the magnetic north arrow. This is affectionately known as "red in the shed." Where the direction of travel arrow lines up with the degree on the bezel shows the direction that the user is heading. This is an easy way to tell which way you are traveling from magnetic north.
Image 3: The above image shows a compass on top of a contour map. The image expresses how the compass is placed to mark the direction while the bezel is turned toward true north. This process is explained in more detail below.
To navigate using both the compass and the map, the user must, as seen in image 3, place the compass horizontally onto the map. Initially, the user must place the direction of travel arrow in the direction that they wish to travel, then turn the bezel until the north-south lines align with the true north. If a user is traveling from one point to another then the compass' edge can be place along the two points and a line can be drawn for more accurate readings. As long as the compass wielder follows that line then they will reach their desired destiny. Finally turn the compass and your body until the magnetic north arrow aligns with orienting arrow on the compass and continue in that direction. This results in accurate distances when traveling far across the woods. When you simply head in a northwest direction being off by just a few degrees can result in the error of hundreds of feet.

Pace Count

The initial method that should be practiced before orienteering begins in the field is by calculating your pace count. Pace count is important when navigating because with a map and compass because it helps you know just how far you're going. This is simply done by marking out 100 meters, which is the standard distance to measure a pace count, then counting your step down to the end of the 100 meters and back.

My personal pace count averaged in at 62 paces.

Making a Map

Making a map for a specified area of interest can be very powerful and important when it comes to hiking in any area. There is always a time when a GPS is either not accurate enough or dies. Technology will almost always fail you in the field, but techniques that people have will endure. Having a good map can be the difference between wandering in the woods and finding your way back to camp quickly. The power of making your won map and adding to it whatever you want is even more powerful. This field activity had the entire class create their own maps of the priory property in Eau Claire, WI.

The first step that was done to create our maps was to create a geodatabase. The data that each student found useful was then imported into their database for use. I used the 5 meter contour lines, the navigation boundary and the USGS DEM file. The data was then added into ArcMap where the layout was formatted to the size of 11 x 17. The data then needed to be projected to a coordinate system. Since two maps needed to be created they each had their own coordinate system. The first coordinate system used for decimal degrees was WGS 1984. This coordinate system is used for GPS coordinates since they use decimal degrees. WGS 84 is also used for representing the whole earth.
Image 4: The above image shows the different UTM zones that the world encompasses. Wisconsin is covered by zones 15 and 16. Eau Claire happens to be part of the state that is covered by zone 15.
The second map's projection is UTM zone 15N, which is described in image 4. The UTM coordinate system is used for smaller areas to be examined. It utilizes meters to get its grid source. Image 4 shows all 60 zones across the planet that the UTM system uses.

Making the Grid

Each map needs its own grid system for its coordinate system. There are several steps that need to be followed in order to create a grid. The first thing to note when creating a grid is that it can only be done in the layout view mode in ArcMap. The first thing to do when creating the grid is to ensure that you are in layout mode, then right click on the layers tab. Click on the Properties tab in the pop up window. In the properties window there is a tab called "Grids," click on it. Click "New Grid..." and choose between "Graticule grid" or "Measured grid." The Graticule grid is used for WGS navigating since it utilizes the decimal degrees for the grid. The Measured grid is used for the UTM navigation because it utilizes meters for its interval rate.

The Graticule grid uses degrees, minutes, and seconds initially, so I chose 5 second intervals. This is later transferred into decimal degrees. The Measured grid uses meters for its intervals so I chose the suggested 50 meter interval. The other important option to use is the choice of coordinate system. I used the UTM zone 15N just like the data. There will be several other pages to click through that simply allow the user to choose variables. These can be updated or passed on. Finish by clicking "Finish."


Images 5 and 6 below show the maps that were created from the processes above. Image 5 shows the UTM zone 15N map and Image 6 shows the WGS 84 map. Each map contains the basic map features and will have point values added to it later for orienteering purposes. Each map was made my myself utilizing data provided by Professor Joe Hupy from the classes P drive.
Image 5: The above image shows the final map product created in ESRI's ArcMap software. The map include the 5 foot contour lines, the area of interest and the USGS DEM image. The grid's interval is 50 meters.
Image 6: This image shows the 5 foot contour lines, the area of interest and the USGS DEM image. The image utilizes an initial 5 second interval which was later turned into decimal degrees. 


The lesson taught to the class by Al Wiberg was very helpful for those that didn't have previous experience with orienteering. The process of using a compass with the degrees on a map is especially useful for those that will be working out in the field or are avid outdoorsmen.

Creating the maps was also a very helpful skill to have when it comes to creating your own for orienteering purposes. These maps will help with knowing where we are in the field.

I placed the 5 foot contours in my map rather than the 2 foot because the 2 foot was far too cluttered. I also used the image because the others were either too nondescript or didn't work well with our area of interest and orienteering.


This first portion of the project has taught me an important skill of using a compass, creating a map with the intent of orienteering with it and how to combine a compass with a map in order to navigate. Not having to go out and actually measure the contour lines was very useful, especially during this time of the year when there is several feet of snow on the ground. Having the data readily accessible by our professor has allowed for less of a time crunch. My biggest worry is that the maps that I have created won't be good enough for navigation on the Priory course.